{title:Let's Have An Old Fashioned Christmas} {artist:Ukulele Jim} [C] [F] [C] [F] [C]Let's have an [F]old fashioned [C]Christmas [C7] [F]Like they had [G]so long a[C]go [C7] The [F]times may have [G]changed But the [C]spirit re[Am]mains [Dm]Something you never out[G7]grow [F] {c: } [C]Let's bring back [F]those old tra[C]ditions [C7] Our [F]grandparents and [G]their parents [C]made [C7] It's [F]never obsol[G]ete To sing [C]carols in the [Am]street And [Dm]walk in the [G7]Christmas par[C]ade [C7] {c: } [F]I re[G]member a [C]time as a [G]child When Christmas was [C]something di[C7]vine Well it [F]seems like the meaning is [C]changing so fast It's [G]up to us to [F]bring back the [G]past [Gsus2] [Csus2] [G] {c: } It's [C]not about [F]shopping on [C]credit [C7] And [F]spending more [G]than you af[C]ford [C7] [F]Give from the [G]heart 'cause [C]that's where it [Am]starts You [Dm]can't find that love in a [G7]store [F] {c: } [C]Let's keep our [F]Christmastime [C]simple [C7] With[F]out all the [G]holiday [C]stress [C7] [F]Children at [G]play [C]Cookies on a [Am]tray Are [Dm]things that make [G7]holidays [C]best [C7] {c: } [F]I re[G]member a [C]time When we [G]told each other stories By the [C]warmth of the [C7]fire Of a [F]family together on a [C]cold Christmas eve We can [G]keep that alive if we [F]only be[G]lieve [Gsus2] [Csus2] [G] {c: } [C]Let's have an [F]old fashioned [C]Christmas [C7] [F]Just like they [G]did it be[C]fore [C7] It [F]worked way back [G]then We can [C]do it a[Am]gain And [Dm]bring back tra[G7]dition once [C]more [F] [C] [G] [C] [F] [G7] [C] {c: } {c:Copyright 2010 by James Andrew Clark}