The Months of the Year Song

Ukulele Jim

Hop to It!

{t:The Months of the Year Song}
{artist:Ukulele Jim}
{album:Hop to It!}

[C]January, February, [G7]March
April, May, June and Ju[C]ly
August, Sep[C7]tember, Oct[F]ober, November
[C]Christmas [G7]in De[C]cember

{c: }
[C]Anytime's a good time for a [G7]joke
Anytime's a good time for a [C]joke
Tell me one that's [C7]funny
It [F]makes my whole day sunny
[C]Anytime's a [G7]good time for a [C]joke

{c: }
{c: (Spoken word interlude)}

{c: }
[C]January, February, [G7]March
April, May, June and Ju[C]ly
August, Sep[C7]tember, Oct[F]ober, November
[C]Christmas [G7]in De[C]cember
[F]Merry [C]Christmas [G7]in De[C]cember!

{c: }
{c:Written by Dean Patrick Henry and James Andrew Clark (ASCAP). Copyright 2019 by James Andrew Clark}

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